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Higher Education System MCQ

Higher Education System MCQ

UGC NET 2023

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Q1) The number of Agricultural Education Institutes in India till today was
A) 37 B) 45 C) 39 D) 38

Q2) At the end of Eleventh Five Year Plan the total number of Central Universities in India was
A) 15 B) 17 C) 43 D) 20

Q3) The suggestion given by Dr.Gajendragadkarwas
A) To review the organisation structures of universities on regular basis
B) To bring timely change in the University’s organisation
C) To bring change in Administrative wings of Universities
D) All the above

Q4) In India, total number of Open University is
A) Fourteen B) Fifteen C) Eighteen D) Sixteen

Q5) What percentage of girls is enrolled in Higher Education in India in 2014-15
A) 46% B) 42% C) 39% D) 36%

Q6) Total number of colleges in India, imparting Higher Education in 2014-15 are
A) 38038 B) 39175 C) 39507 D) 40760

Q7) The total number of standalone Institution till 31st March, 2015 was
A) 11922 B) 10576 C) 9813 D) 8756

Q8) Which of the following institutes of higher learning in India are not covered under RUSA?
A) All State Universities 12Band 2 f compliant only
B) All Colleges 12B and 2 f compliant only
C) All State Universities Non 12B and non 2 f compliant
D) Central Universities

Q9) Complex of Colleges’ is called
A) Federal University
B) Unitary University
C) Central University
D) State University

Q10) When a university has its separate campus for Teaching purposes and there are many autonomous and constituent colleges affiliated to it, then this organisational pattern is called
A) A Federal University         B) A Decentralized University
C) An Unitary University        D) None of the above

Q11) On the basis of teaching process the universities can be categorised as
A) Traditional and Open Universities      B) Central and State Universities
C) Residential cum Affiliating University       D) None of the above

Q12) In 1969 the U.G.C. had appointed
A) Administration of Universities
B) Administration of Colleges
C) Administrative Legislation for both of the above
D) None of the above

Q13) What is the targeted Gross Enrolment Ratio in Higher Education by the end of XIII Plan
A) 32% B) 35% C) 38% D) 42%

Q14) Which of the following is not an aim of Higher Education according to Kothari Commission?
A) To explore new knowledge in context of truth and interpret it in terms of ancient knowledge and beliefs in contemporary needs
B) To give right leadership in all the fields of life
C) To promote social justice and equality
D) To explore innate abilities in persons and develop them through training

Q15) The U.G.C. have launched Career Orientation Programme in
A) 1994-95
B) 1995-96
C) 1986-87
D) 1992

Q16) The number of State Universities in India as on 15th January, 2016 was
A) 344
B) 220
C) 225
D) 230

Q17) When a university runs some courses in its Central Campus and some other course in its affiliating colleges, such University is called as
A) Residential-Affiliating University
B) Affiliating University
C) Unitary Teaching University
D) None of the above

Q18) Project cost of RUSA is to be shared between the centre and state in the ratio of …except for special category states
A) 50:50
B) 60:40
C) 65:35
D) 70:30

Q19) The aim of Higher Education according to Radhakrishnan Commission is
A) To develop the great personalities who can give their contributions in politics, administration, profession, industry and commerce
B) To preserve the democratic values and develop a harmony between individual and society
C) To pay respect to old beliefs and develop intellectual giants having faith in new beliefs and ideologies and their coordination with old ones
D) All of the above

Q20) Generally in Federal type of Universities the Organisational Pattern of Courses is
A) Post Graduate Courses in University Campus and Graduate Courses in Constituent College
B) Post Graduate and Graduate Courses in University Campus while Graduate Courses are only in its Constituent Colleges
C) Special Post Graduate Courses in University Campus and in Constituent Colleges both types of the courses
D) None of the above

Higher Education System MCQ

Q21) Open Universities are treated as Non-traditional Universities because
A) Innovative methods of teaching and learning are used in these Universities
B) Innovation methods of admission, curriculum and evaluation are followed in these universities
C) Modern Communication Techniques are used in these universities
D) All of the above

Q22) Which of the following are included in main feature of the UGC Xith Year Plan(2007-12) for University only?
A) Incentives for resource mobilization
B) Universities with potential for excellence
C) Basic facilities for women
D) All of the above

Q23) Who was the Chairman of the U.G.C. Committee 1969 appointed for Administrative Legislation of the Universities?
A) Dr. P.B. Gajendragadkar
B) Dr. Laxman Swami Mudaliar
C) Dr. Sarvapalli Radha Krishnan
D) Dr.Zakir Hussain

Q24) A high level committee was set up in April 2009, headed by formed UGC Chairman Yash Pal for
A) Restructuring high education in the country
B) New University
C) Salary revision
D) None of the above

Q25) The Development objective of Higher Education during Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-17) is based on
A) Expansion
B) Equity
C) Excellence
D) All of the above

Q26) Delhi University is a
A) Central University
B) State University
C) Deemed University
D) Cannot say

Q27) The National Institute of Education Planning and Administration has been converted into a Deemed University and is now called the

Q28) On the basis of organisational structure the Universities can be classified as
A) Residential and Affiliating Universities
B) Central and State Universities
C) Unitary and Federal Universities
D) None of the above

Q29) The total number of Central Universities in India on 15 th January, 2016 was
A) 10
B) 46
C) 25
D) 31

Q30) Unitary Teaching College is called
A) Residential University
B) Affiliating University
C) Residential cum Affiliating University
D) None of the above

Q31) The main aim of Vocationalisation in Higher Education is
A) To control the enrolment of students in Post Graduation Courses
B) To create repulsion towards Higher Education
C) To shift the students attention from the problem of Unemployment
D) To guard the students from continuing higher education without purpose

Q32) The aim of U.G.C.s Standing Committee of Vocational Education is
A) To identify such institution where vocational courses can be implemented
B) To impact training to the teachers for vocational education
C) To prepare study material for vocational courses
D) All of the above

Q33) The Residential Universities are the Universities having
A) Central Campus for Imparting Education
B) Many Campuses for Imparting Education
C) Both of the above are correct
D) None of the above are correct

Q34) Gross enrolment Ratio in Higher Education in India during 2014-15 is
A) 23.6% B) 21.5% C) 20.3% D) 19.5%

Q35) What amount has been made in the Eleventh Five Year Plan for Education
Mission through ICT?
A) 5000 crore B) 5500 crore C) 6000 crore D) 6500 crore

Q36) The UGC INFONET network is run and managed by
A) ERNET B) NUEPA C) INFLIBNET D) None of the above

Q37) The agency which have founded SCOVE is

Q38) At the end of Eleventh Five Year Plan the total number of Deemed Universities in India was
A) 129
B) 115
C) 117
D) 119

Q39) Which of the following is not related to Indian Education Commission’s (1964-66) recommendations?
A) University’s Autonomy and Income Expenditure
B) Role and Appointment of Vice chancellor
C) University Legislation
D) Role of Registrar

Q40) The abbreviation ‘SCOVE’ stands for
A) Standing Committee of Vocational Education
B) Supreme Court Ordinance on Vocational Employment
C) State Committee on Vocational Education
D) State Council of Virtual Education

Q41) The meaning of Affiliating University is
A) The universities which are not having Central Campus for teaching but it is going on in Affiliating Colleges
B) The universities which implement Curriculum only and Coordinating Examinations
C) The Universities which work as distribution of Degrees
D) All the above are true

Q42) The total number of Deemed Universities in India upto 15th January, 2016 was
A) 125
B) 99
C) 69
D) 97

Q43) To which committee, the name of Rev. P.T. Chandi was associated?
A) The Committee for College Administrative Legislation
B) The Committee for University Administrative Legislation
C) Affiliating University’s Standardization Committee
D) Federal University’s Standard Committee

Higher Education System MCQ

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